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5 Critical Reasons You Need Custom Carrier Bags for Your Shop

While adopting online marketing strategies to promote stores and businesses is crucial in this day and age. The effectiveness of good old-fashioned print marketing strategies is still going strong. In fact, a versatile cutter creaser can help a business’s print marketing efforts in many ways, helping them bring in more customers. One of the most crucial offline print marketing mediums is grocery bags or carrier bags. If you own a store, then there is a good chance you hand out carrier bags to your customers to help them carry the purchased items home. Carrier bags are an essential supply for both large supermarkets and small local stores. This is mainly because it allows customers to make unplanned purchases and not worry about carrying a bag everywhere they go. While it does serve a practical purpose, custom carrier bags for stores can also be designed to promote businesses and boost brand visibility. If you haven’t switched already, following are 5 reasons to order printed bags for your store.

Keeping Up with Your Competition: If you own a store, there is a good chance your local competitors already use printed bags. This means their brand is visible on the streets while yours is not. Switching to printed carrier bags will help you keep up with your local competitors and get people talking about your brand.

Helps Retain Regular Customers: Customers are often subconsciously influenced by cleverly placed branding to visit a particular store. When regular customers bring home a bag full of products in printed carrier bags, the bags themselves subconsciously reminds them to revisit. Lying around the house, the branded bags will act as a constant reminder and thus help in converting regular customers to loyal customers.

Encourages New Customer Walk-Ins: Branded carrier bags are like mobile advertisements. When people see others walking home with your store’s carrier bags, they inadvertently become inquisitive about what you offer as a business. It’s a well-known psychological phenomenon. When people see others do something they want to do the same. This means simply by switching to printed carrier bags you should be able to notice a positive difference in the total number of new customers. This, in turn, gives you a chance to wow these new customers with incredible service and products and convert them into regular customers.

They Are Not Expensive: If you are already buying non-printed bags for your store, then you will barely notice the cost difference when you switch to printed bags. Custom plastic printed bags can be ordered online and most sellers offer a discount for bulk orders. Overall, buying printed bags as opposed to blank ones is not going to negatively impact the bottom-line.

They Create a Great First Impression: Customers expect stores to give them printed carrier bags. These bags are a little part of the store that these customers get to take home. Now, when handed a blank carrier bag instead of printed ones, customers often form a negative impression of the store. In an era where every business is vying to impress their customers, a blank carrier bag simply looks out of place and unprofessional.